Practice Management Nuggets

Prevent Big Fines (or Worse!) for Your Healthcare Practice; Learn How to Plan a Privacy Impact Assessment



View the blog post and register to view the video. A PIA should be as common place to a healthcare practice as a business plan is to a business. BUT most healthcare practices don’t know this and often don’t know that a PIA is usually part of their professional college requirements and often even a legislated requirement! Prevent malicious errors, omissions or attacks that could result in fines and even jail time for the business, healthcare provider, employee, or vendor by completing a PIA. You need a Privacy Impact Assessment when: - You are opening a new clinic or establishing a new health services program You are changing administrative procedures or technology equipment, services, or vendors You are changing how you collect and use personal information  You are implementing or changing an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) You are sharing health information with another healthcare provider, organization, Primary Care Network or other health program You have a Privacy Impact Assessment that was written more