Practice Management Nuggets

Do You Know Where Your Policies and Procedures Are? | Episode #079



  Subscribe: itunes | Email | Stitcher | RadioPlayer | The way a healthcare provider collects, uses and discloses personal health information (PHI) is critical to an efficient healthcare practice. It’s also required by legislation and professional college regulations and standards. Policies and procedures must be in writing, available to employees, and monitored to ensure that they are followed. Otherwise, you face all sorts of risks, including privacy breaches and other legal problems. Don't let this happen to you! Everyone in a healthcare practice — including front office staff, wellness practitioners and physicians and other custodians — must be aware of and follow these policies and procedures. These policies and procedures also become the foundation of your privacy impact assessment (PIA). That’s why, in this Practice Management Nugget, we’ll review a privacy breach investigation report from Alberta's Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC).  When we know better, we can do better… I