Practice Management Nuggets

Close, Move, Merge Your Practice |Episode #090



Closing or moving a healthcare provider practice takes co-ordination, patience, communication, and documentation. Once you have made the big decision about closing, moving, or merging your practice and have a general idea about the next step for you, your practice, your employees, and your patient and business records you need to plan the continued administrative, technical, and physical safeguards of the patient health records. Patients and clients have a unique trust with their healthcare provider. They trust that you will provide them continuing healthcare and continued access to their own health information that you have recorded. You are also expected to securely keep their personal health information and follow your professional college standards and health information privacy laws.   In this episode Jean L. Eaton will help you with Provide clarity about records management in your group or shared practice. Guide you to develop health records management plan when you close, move, or expand your chiropra