Go Hunt Life

E012 - 40 Something Reinvents Career to Compete With Millennials in Tech - Karen Kelly



3 years ago Karen Kelly couldn't write a single line of code. Now, she is 30 days away from competing in a market full of millennials and most of them men. For her 20 year career, she was a successful sales rep but had become disheartened in her career and wanted a change so she started down a path to reinvent her career. To do that, she had to start over and go back to school...at 47 years old. Her new career choice? Full-Stack Developer. So how did she get from not being able to write code to be a qualified Full-Stack Developer with the technical chops to compete with millennials in the Tech Scene? She developed a 3 year plan and started executing it. At the time of this podcast interview, she was 30 days away from graduating from the Full-Stack Developer program at Galvanize and beginning her job hunt for her next career. Here is a staggering statistic and what women wanting to get into technology will need to tackle. Only 12.5% of Microsoft's technology professionals are female...and this is actually a lo