Executive Speakers On Speakers

#16: Seth Mattison



Seth Mattison is an Internationally renowned expert and author on workforce trends, generational dynamics, and business strategy. He is Co-Founder and Chief Movement Officer of Luminate Labs, a media platform and global community of luminaries, leaders, and influencers igniting powerful change in the way we work, lead, live, and love. In this role, Mattison advises many of the world’s leading brands and organizations on the key shifts happening around talent management, change and innovation, leadership, and the future of work.  Mattison and Joshua Medcalf co-authored the book, The War at Work: A Tale of Navigating the Unwritten Rules of the Hierarchy in a Half Changed World. The book describes The Age of the Network, a world of hyper-connectivity and constant flux, where disruption is the norm and autonomy, empowerment and meaning are basic expectations of the new workforce. Living in a "half-changed world," everything from communication and etiquette, policies, and procedures, where and when work happens,