Smiles & Faces Orthodontics

Identifying and Treating Impacted Canines



Dr Diane Tay and specialist orthodontist Dr Andrew Chang discuss an interesting topic for dentists on impacted canines in children and early teens. 0:34 There can be a number of implications if impacted canines are not picked up early. Main causes of impacted canines include crowding and genetics. 2:17 A simple definition of an impacted canine is a canine not sitting in the right position and becoming 'stuck'. Affecting the eruption path. If an OPG is taken and there appears to be overlapping. 3:00 Clinical signs to consider include, average age (9-10yrs), feeling of canines, OPG results, flaring of canines, crowding, lateral spacing, assymetrical exfoliation, positions of teeth appropriate for age and a primary canine still present. Aim is to normalise path of eruption. 11:52 Depending on severity of case early interceptive is a way to present surgery and lead to spontaneous eruption. Age has a big impact on successful results. 13:40 Best age to intervene is between 7-9 years. Start with an orthodontic asses