Rachel & Sam Read A Story

The Case of the Stinky Stench



If listeners of this podcast know one thing, it's that we LOVE Josh Funk (@joshfunkbooks). Also his books are pretty fun. This is the 4th Josh Funk installment and Rachel and I were DELIGHTED to sink our teeth into it. (GET IT?? BECAUSE FOOD!) Inspector Croissant is a food after my own heart. And not just because I love croissants. Especially chocolate ones. But ALSO because I, too, have no idea when/where to properly use a magnifying glass. Is now the time? WHO KNOWS?? But this book is great. We really enjoyed it. So why not listen? WHY NOT LISTEN??? Rachel & Sam Read a Story is about the fun of reading children's books new and old, and also about how little sense these books make when you read them 20 years later. We read the books aloud and make fun of them as we go. Enjoy! Follow Sam (@SamGasch) or follow Rachel (@Sknowite). Either way, please subscribe!