Solid Cat

Solid Cat: Pat's vs. Geno's



Summer vacation is over and Solid Cat is back to tell you what we did on ours. Stand back, this is actually the first half of a two part episode. First, D-mo is now and old man. In the News, we discuss a real life version of the Pina Colada song. For those that were wondering, yes, D-mo passed the stone. Wait... coyotes? Vermont is very beautiful and very green. The Musuem of the Creative Process creeped us out to no end, and we didn't even go in it. On our culinary tour of the eastern United States, we enjoyed cheesecake from the Nuns of New Skete, delicious cuisine at the City Tavern in Philly, and an absolutely delightful Italian place called Joe Benny's in Baltimore (go there; trust us). There were some questionable "Jersey-style" Whoppers at a Burger King. But we finally settle the debate on Philly's best cheesesteak... Pat's or Geno's (or do we?). There was also, what Val called, the "Taj Mahal of bathrooms." And we wrap with a wonderful Paws Up highlighting the spirit of second chances. We packed some