Pep Talks For Side Hustlers

Ep. 010 - The Steps to Creating a Side Hustle Part 1: Audience and Expertise



Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Already have a website? Take the Free "Jumpstart Your Website Traffic" marketing mini-course at Leave a Review! Today we’re talking about strategies for creating a side hustle that fits into your busy schedule. So if you’re anything like me when I first started my side hustle, you’re working full time and you need to work full time. You have obligations, and you’re not in a position to just leave that steady paycheck – but you also want to do something you love for a living. You know it’s going to take you some time to get there, a couple years even, so you don’t want to burn yourself out and alienate your friends and family because you’re working all the time. Yes, I did that in the beginning, and it was not fun, and I’ll tell you all about it on another pep talk. So you could create a side hustle where you’re freelancing, doing one-on-one work for clients, but I can tell you fro