Pep Talks For Side Hustlers

Ep. 017 - The Importance of Taking Imperfect Action



Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Already have a website? Take the Free "Jumpstart Your Website Traffic" marketing mini-course at Leave a Review! Today we’re talking about taking imperfect action. So, when I decided that I was going to create a free video training series to help entrepreneurs build their own websites, I suffered from what I now know to be a severe case of imposter syndrome. Thoughts like, “who am I to teach this to people, I don’t have a computer science degree, I’m not a programmer” popped into my mind pretty frequently. And so what that feeling of insecurity about my knowledge and expertise caused me to do is try to make everything PERFECT. I spent HOURS recording and re-recording my tutorial series. I edited out every single, um, ah, like, and “okay so” that I said. It probably took me about 80 hours to produce a free 5 hour tutorial series. I spent untold hours tweaking details on my website t