Pep Talks For Side Hustlers

Ep. 053 - The Secret to Finding The Right Clients - How to Find the Right Clients



Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Already have a website? Take the Free "Jumpstart Your Website Traffic" marketing mini-course at Leave a Review! I stumbled upon how to find the right clients quite by accident. I was so frustrated and burnt out by working with the wrong clients that I stopped altogether and created the 5 Day Website Challenge, a free video tutorial series that teaches female business owners how to build the kind of website that helps them grow their email lists so that they can use email marketing and automation to sell their products and services. And I was totally caught off guard when people who had signed up for my free training started asking me to build websites for them. Why? I’d think. I’m showing you exactly how to do it yourself – for free?!?! That’s when I figured out that I was positioning myself as someone who can give people specific results rather than a commodity. When people were