Pep Talks For Side Hustlers

Ep. 069: Interview with Michele Bobrow, Part 1



Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Already have a website? Take the Free "Jumpstart Your Website Traffic" marketing mini-course at Leave a Review! Michele Bobrow of the Holistic Wallet is a financial coach for creative executive women to sustain great financial habits and use their money to create the lives that they love. Join us as we talk about: Why diversification is so important in your side hustle. How to turn a scarcity mindset into an abundance mindset. How Michele balanced her side hustle and a 70-hour workweek. How she made her business profitable. What to do if your side hustle feels like a grind and is not enjoyable. What Michele’s first 6 months of self-employment were really like. The mastermind Michele’s in and how it helps her grow her business. Her best advice for getting traction in your side hustle if you’re struggling. Membership Plugins mentioned in this episode: OptimizePress* MemberVault Ac