State Shifters

SSP 015: Marco Rodrigues – Inner Engineering, The Lifestyle Habits For Deeper “Self” Connection



What routines/rituals do you build your life around? They say you’re the average of the 5 people you hang out with most, so it's with great pleasure I welcome to the podcast an individual who has significantly contributed to my average throughout the many years of time spent together. I was reunited with my good friends Marco Rodrigues while travelling through Europe, we decided to sit down and have a conversation while on the coast of Cascais, Portugal to chat about some of the life lessons we have learnt since leaving university and beginning full-time work. Marco has been a long-time friend who has shared the journey of life with me since we were young lads in early primary school. We have supported each other through some significant life transitions – from primary school to high school to university to full-time careers – we share many core values which has helped both of us learn and grow from each other. Marco has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and has been working in the industry for 2 years, rece