State Shifters

SSP 027: Adam Evans - Meditation and Being True to Yourself



In this episode, I chatted with Adam Evans. Adam is a BioHacker/ LifeHacker, creative director and YouTuber. Though before his YouTube career, Adam operated a web design company for 5 years. One day, he decided to sell his company and begin working as a brand developer. Now, Adam has his own podcast called the æther and uses his platform to share his experiences with spirituality. More about Adam and his work can be found on his site We discuss: Adam’s spiritual awaking Why it’s important to have a holistic approach to health and wellness The meditative practice of ‘carrying death by your side’ Adam’s experience with psychedelics Adam’s meditative process and tuning into the metaphysical state How to be true to your higher purpose regardless of societal pressure Finding time to absorb knowledge and embodying it Using curiosity to explore the meaning of life Thank you for listening! Please hit the share buttons and leave a comment if the episode has resonated with you.