State Shifters

SSP 036: Express Your Truth, Overcoming Rejection & The Fear Of Judgement



Are you someone who struggles to share your authentic truth? Do you have a hard time opening up and being vulnerable? This inner block is due to the fear of other people judging, criticizing, or rejecting your opinion/voice In other words, you care too much about what people think. This fear of being judged results in a "play it safe" mentality in life. The world misses out on seeing the real you. Your greatness is hidden behind an identity that's trying to keep you safe.  In my latest podcast, I show you the process for breaking free of the fear of judgement so you can express the real you. For all aspiring leaders, artists, creators, and influencers this one is for you. If you're ready to go deep and identify and remove the inner blocks that are holding you back from your greatness - I have 6 places available in my group coaching program, Purpose By Design. Email me to apply Or DM me on instagram @stateshifters Check out my vlog on youtube: