Great Escape Radio: Travel Writing | Photography | Publishing | Writing

Why a Drop in Camera Sales is Good For You



Great Escape Radio Episode 36: Drop in Camera Sales= More Photo Sales for You “If you’re with Great Escape Publishing, you have a really easy pathway… since we give you all the steps between learning how to use that camera… to actually selling your photos… with fewer people to worry about, who are trying to be photographers these days.” – Bonnie Caton For more information on how you can get started with photography, go to On this episode, Host Jody Mayberry and Breakfast Stock Club Creator, Bonnie Canon, talk about the drop in camera sales over the last few years and how that can be a great thing for anyone who wants to sell their photos. Bonnie explains that when cameras first started going digital in the late 90s, people jumped at the chance to get one. But in recent years, with the creation of smart phones, a lot of people no longer feel that they need one. It’s easy to take photos on a phone now and share them online with others via social media. And with l