Great Escape Radio: Travel Writing | Photography | Publishing | Writing

Finding Inspiration in Success



“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” –Lao Tzu Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry brings Bonnie Caton back to the podcast. Bonnie’s back in the USA after living abroad earlier this year. She’s refocusing on her photography business and training for a triathlon—she’s been busy! Inspired lately by the success stories she’s seen through Great Escape Publishing, Bonnie wants to share her thoughts about some of them. “A lot of our members are doing incredible things…most of them later in life. People age 57, 60 and beyond who never thought they would be able to travel the way they are now. These people have been able to really go for it and get into the program and apply all the things we talk about.” She shares some of the success stories that have inspired her… Theresa St. John who was going through a tough divorce when she decided to venture into photography and travel writing—now she’s turned her life around and is following her dreams… Terri Marshall who left behind a life career as a tax