Great Escape Radio: Travel Writing | Photography | Publishing | Writing

Daily Practices to Help You as a Writer



“A healthy habit is a great habit in general, but it’s even better when you can use it in your work.”—Tracey Minkin Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry brings Tracey Minkin, the Senior Travel and Features Editor for Coastal Living back to the podcast broadcasting live from the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Austin, Texas. You can listen to the previous episode with her here. This week, Jody and Tracy are talking about some of the daily practices for travel writing. Jody asks Tracy to share some of the things new writers can do to change their mindset and begin thinking like a travel writer. “The thing I need to do the most hour after hour…place after place…morning, noon and night is harvest really good details. I need to be on constant prowl for specifics… about landscapes… people… how things sound… the smells… the color of the sea—a really big deal for us at Coastal Living!” The key to bringing those details to your writing is to note them while you’re in the moment. Days… even hours later, you won’t