Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

What's Happening In Your Gut And Why You Should Care [Episode #4]



With all the hoopla—and rightfully so—sweeping the nation surrounding Ebola, Enterovirus D68, and other viruses reaching pandemic proportion, what little information public health officials provide in the way of prevention is sorely lacking.  “Wash your hands,” “Don’t touch your eyes or nose with unwashed hands,” “Refrain from hugging or kissing those who are sick.”  Come on, guys, give us a little credit!  I don’t know about you, but when I see someone coughing or throwing up, kissing is NOT the first thing on my mind.   So today we want to talk about some ACTUAL ways to prevent infectious disease, beginning with understanding the immune system from the inside out.  Hippocrates gave us some important information about where disease starts some 2,400 years ago when he said, “All diseases begin in the gut.”   Yes, we have a lot of fancy, new medicines, treatments, and procedures, but let me tell you, this guy knew what he was talking about!   80-85% of our immune system is located in the gut.  The rest is in o