Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

We All Face Death. Here's How To Prepare [Episode #14]



*Note: This episode contains explicit and graphic content that might be difficult for some people. Live And Let Die Death.  Talk about a “forbidden” topic of conversation!  The concept of dying and exiting this world is uncomfortable.  And yet, dying is a natural thing.  In fact, it is something we are good at from before we are born, as our cells divide and differentiate in our mother’s womb.  So while it may be just a little bit taboo, I believe that a healthy understanding of some of the events surrounding the process of death can help to eliminate the fear of the unknown as pertains to our own passing, or that of friends and family members, and perhaps even have an effect on how we choose to live.  Our bodies are made to live, but they are also made to die.  All the way down to a single cell—apoptosis, the natural death of a cell—the idea is for each cell to be healthy enough that it lives the life it’s programmed to live until it’s programmed to die.  Even though death can seem like an event—sudden, unex