Embrace Grace

The Declare Conference with Kristin Lemus



  We are so excited about the upcoming Declare Conference! Declare is a Christian conference to equip and encourage women bloggers, writers, artists, online marketers, leaders, and disciplers to know God and make Him known through deep community.  Join Amy as she chats with Kristin about all the fun and amazing moments to expect at Declare. Their heart is to bring together women who share a desire to use their God-given giftings to point others to Jesus.  Also to connect speakers and leaders with attendees to equip them with the latest in writing, speaking, blogging, social media marketing, and technical teachings. And finally, to encourage attendees in their personal spiritual growth, drawing them nearer to God and inspiring them to make Him known. Whether you are a veteran as a digital evangelist or just now feeling the leading of God to use your voice as a light online, this is the place for you!  For information, schedule and to purchase tickets, check out their website www.DeclareConference.com - and Emb