Recovery Squared Radio

How The Recovery Squared Logo Is A Pathway To Transformation #1



We will take a deep dive in the concept of the Recovery Squared logo and how it contains the principles of transformation and growth. Our lives are a cycle of pain and struggle, revelation and learning, growing and transcending. The beliefs, people, places and things that get us to one point will not get us to our infinite potential. Being a human, we are all recovering from something. We are all trying to recover from the disconnection from our true self where our infinite potential lives. This disconnection manifests in addiction, depression, disease, illness, being stuck and a host of other issues. At each step of getting to our next stage, there is a seed where the laws of gestation apply. The boxes and beliefs we grow this seed from will not be the box and belief that will transcend us to our next stage. To step into out next stage as quickly as possible we need to focus on the one thing that makes all other things easier or unnecessary.