Creative Mama

17: The Don't List



Sometimes we look around at what everyone else seems to love and we think, “That is NOT my jam.” And that’s good, because who ever said we all have to be alike?! The trouble comes in when we know something isn’t for us, but we feel pressured to alter our viewpoint or preferences based on popular opinion. Listen to Creative Mama [Episode 17] regarding the concept of creating your own “Don’t List” and being comfortable with who you are and what you like. No guilt. No apologies. No justifying. As always, I'd love to connect with you. If you decide to make a Don’t List [mental or otherwise], I'd love to hear some of the items you choose to include. Just leave a comment below or connect with me through my episode posts on Instagram: @abbiz. *** People, Places & Things in This Episode:, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits Support the show by making a donation Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other purs