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Jon Acuff: "How to Quit Your Day Job - and What Mistake NOT To Make"



{Learn more at}     Podcast Episode 97 with Jon Acuff:   SUMMARY: If you are ready to be in-charge of your own destiny,  and your current job is making you uncomfortable then there is absolutely no reason you should continue putting up with it. When you leave your job, you have to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. If you don't try to solve the problems at your day job to the best of your ability, then you may face the same problems at your new job. If you want to know how to quit your day job in a way that minimizes damage and maintains a positive relationship then this episode will be of great interest to you!   Jon Acuff is an author who has written numerous best selling books, a speaker, and a blogger who talks about how to quit your day job, what to do, what not to do, and also talks about his best selling book entitled “Start:  How to punch fear in the face, escape average, and do work that matters”.   About Jon Acuff. (2:25) Jon was a copywriter major who worked