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Episode 100 with Andrew Bennett: Lessons in Overcoming Incredible Adversity from a World Class Magician



Learn more about the Inspiration With Val Podcast and about Val's coaching packages at   Podcast Episode: with Andrew Bennett Transform your life with magic. "Appear, Disappear, Restore"   Summary: No one's journey is easy. Everyone is handed adversity in life. Adversity can keep us from achieving our goals and finding our happiness. So when adversity strikes us, how do we overcome it? If you cultivate the right attitude and take actions to get what you want and deserve overcoming adversity is fast and easy.   Andrew Bennett is an author, speaker, Ross Perot’s personal assistant, and has been a magician for 45 years. He talks about how adversities have shaped his life for the better. He shares his stories and how his experiences convert itself into an opportunity to exhibit excellence. There is something special about the ability for  magic to help us overcome adversities. If you want to be on your way to the life you've dreamed of, Andrew’s powerful advice will work magic in your