Reels & Wheels

Cars 3 with Derek Williams - Reels and Wheels



Cars 3... Is it a shameless cash grab to sell toys or an homage to the fans of the first movie?  The answer is probably both. The Cars universe expands quite a bit with plenty of great new toys to sell to your kids. However, Cars 3 also goes back to the successful formula that made the first movie a hit. Sound familiar? It's taken the same path as the first three Toy Story movies and the first three Indiana Jones movies. But that's the strength of the Cars franchise - it lifts big pieces of successful movies and adapts them to its own universe.  Sid and James are joined by the Alpha Geek himself, Derek Williams - stand up comic, voice actor and co-founder of Geek Night Comedy to talk about Cars 3 as we scratch a bit below the surface of another fun Pixar movie. Follow @ReelsandWheels, @SidBridgeComedy, @S2KJames and @Derek5Letters - subscribe to Reels and Wheels on Stitcher or iTunes and leave us some feedback!