At Home With Sally

Episode #93: A Heart for Gratitude With Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill



"In everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:18" Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude. -A.A. Milne, WINNIE-THE-POOH Do your children hold wonder about God? Do they have an imagination that allows them to enter into the mystery of all He has made and all He has done? A Grateful heart is a humble heart, one that does not demand, but receives and then looks for how to give again to others with joy- but it begins by understanding the wonder of being a child of the God of the Universe and experiencing all of the goodness of God's world as a gift. In this episode, Sally and Kristen discuss how to protect and preserve a sense of wonder in our children, how to cultivate daily habits of thanks, and what it looks like to embrace God's will for us to "rejoice always," regardless of circumstance. They share about what it has looked like in their own homes to raise children who are content, how to battl