The Intimate Lifestyle

EP101: Just the Tip Tuesday - Customizing Your Relationship



Every Tuesday on Modern SexTalks we come at you with Just the Tip Tuesday where we offer a 10 minute segment from a previous episode.  Our episodes can be a bit long sometimes, and it can be hard to remember everything, so this is an option to get bite sized bits of information on a weekly basis. Today's episode is a short segment from EP156: Customizing Your Relationship with Amy Gahran. Amy Gahran aka Aggie Sex, is the author of the book Stepping Off the Relationship Escalator which delves into customizing your relationships to fit your needs. Still don't quite understand the relationship escalator from that short description? Amy, who's appeared on and, goes deep into this topic and how it relates to how people behave in their relationships.   Like us on Facebook and Instagram! And help us out by leaving a rating and a review in iTunes.