The Intimate Lifestyle

EP154: I Died....on Mushrooms



This is a personal, and rather emotional story. I don't often share this much, so this is quite a vulnerable episode for me. But, considering how powerful my most recent experience on psilocybin mushrooms (magic mushrooms) was, I wanted to share. (this was an "Ego Death" not an actual death...but it felt like it.) It was by far, the most challenging spiritual journey I've endured, and also the most rewarding. I came face to face with my own mortality.  I don't know if this is going to be supportive. I don't know if this is going to be helpful. I did, however, simply want to share this experience because of it's profundity in my life.  If you haven't already, remember to subscribe to this show, and leave a rating and a review. And if you feel compelled to reach out to me as a result of this episode, you can reach me at ryan [at] or you can go to my website here.