Beyond The Trope

Episode 182 Why We Love the Games We Love



We love video games, and there are a few reasons why. This week, Danielle returns to talk about awesome video games and what makes them so great. Mentioned in this episode: Final Fantasy Madden NFL Mario Tennis Mario Kart Rocket League Nintendo 64 Nintendo GameCube Nintendo Switch Sony PlayStation Horizon: Zero Dawn The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker XBox Star Wars Dishonored Dishonored 2 Robbie Daymond Persona 5 Tales of Zestiria Final Fantasy XV Sailor Moon Crystal Fallout 4 Adam Croasdell Ray Chase The Office (UK) Ricky Gervais Overwatch Bethesda Softworks Skyrim Sega Genesis Sonic The Hedgehog The Oregon Trail Crystal Caves Navigator Tomb Raider The Fast and the Furious RMFW The Denver Podcast Network Denver Pizza Podcast Thank you to all of our amazing patrons over at