Like A Real Boss Podcast

[Ep 110] Building a Culture of Meaningful Work



Working hard to earn a nice paycheck is great, but how long will you last if your heart isn't in it or you are too tired out to enjoy what you've earned?  In this episode of Like A Real Boss, David Shar explains what it means to do meaningful work. David Shar is the president of Illuminate PMC. He is a keynote speaker, consultant, and trainer specializing in helping organizations improve their leadership and culture, combat burnout, and design meaningful work. David is a Society for Human Resource Management - Senior Certified Professional. He holds his master's in industrial/organizational psychology and is a doctoral candidate in business psychology, where he proudly describes himself as the oldest and baldest member of his cohort. David’s dissertation research explores the interaction between meaningful work and burnout.  In addition to his work and academic pursuits, David’s most challenging and most rewarding role is at home in Baltimore, Maryland where he is the proud father of 5 wise, loving, and hilar