Dave Talks Comics

DTC 142 - Small Press Expo 2017 - Part 1



      Small Press Expo 2017 Part 1 Before the show, walking the show floor, lunch Panel: Gilbert Hernandez and Jim Rugg in Conversation (12:30-1:30 PM) - a discussion of Gilbert Hernandez career with some insights into his process and his thoughts about his independent work and the work he has done for others Panel: Barometer of the Free Press (2-3 PM) - editorial cartoonists Ann Telnaes, Matt Wuerker, Keith Knight, and Ben Passmore discuss their experiences with negative reactions to their work and the importance of editorial cartoons with moderator Tom Spurgeon Back issue bins Klaus Nomi t-shirt by Derf Backderf and Old Man Winter and Other Tales by J. T. Yost - 1 - Isaac Cates - Travis Horseman Giving Life to Little Lulu - Fantagraphics Panel: Filling in the Pieces - Comics Biography (5-6 PM) - Box Brown (Andre the Giant; Tetris), Anais Depommier (Sartre), and Luke Howard (The Life of Earnest Hogan, Father of Ragtime) talk about their experiences researching and creating biographical comi