The Muslim Life Hackers Podcast: Personal Growth | Leadership | Legacy Building | Life Hacks | Islam

#3-3: Feeling Like a Fraud & The Imposter Syndrome w/ Haleh Banani



"Comparing to others is actually a form of violence against yourself… it doesn’t do any good… The best thing we can do is to compare and compete against yourself. I want to my best. I want to be better than who I was last year. It’s not about competing with others and outdoing others, it's about competing with myself and making sure that I am constantly in that process of self development, self improvement, excelling and achieving." - Haleh Banani*   Today we will be speaking to sister Haleh Banani. She has a masters degree in clinical psychology, a featured expert on a variety of platforms and also hosted her own TV show for Al-Fajr TV called ‘with Haleh’ which combined principles of psychology and Islam to help people reach their full potential.   In this interview, we talk about the impostor syndrome, feeling like a fraud, tackling perfectionism and handling negative self talk.   Questions Asked: - What is the impostor syndrome all about? - What causes a person to feel this way? Is it a result of low self