Facebook Sales Strategies With Kim Walsh-phillips

FSS Episode 496: “What Is Working Right Now”



In this episode, Kim Walsh Phillips shares about keeping consistent with her 30-day challenge of Facebook Live. Kim mentions that with each new video her audience and engagements have been growing and this is a great way to get the best ROI, for free!   Key Takeaways! 0:20 - Kim shares that she is getting ready for a day long of planning for memberships.  0:45 - Kim shares that she has been keeping consistent with the 30-day challenge of a daily Facebook Live. Kim also talks about keeping consistent as long as Facebook live has been around, at least once or twice a week.  1:20 -  Kim shares that she has never been this consistent, even during with busy season and after a glass of wine.   1:45 -  Kim mentions that the more she is doing a Facebook Live video, the more people are showing up to join, and it has become more interactive. Kim says each time she does a video it keeps growing and building 2:00 -  Kim says she may not stop even after the 30 days are up. Because she consistently keeps getting opt-ins an