Facebook Sales Strategies With Kim Walsh-phillips

FSS Episode 497: “A Quick Ad Formula thats Been Crushing It”



In this episode, Kim Walsh Phillips shares a great formula to help your ad copy to crush it! Kim talks about creating that ‘one big hook’, and the power of repeating the line at least 4 times to influence your fans to ‘click through’. This is a great episode to learn about creating a great hook (One Big Idea), campaigning the idea, and getting your ROI. Learn more at 3daysto10k.com.  Key Takeaways! 0:20 - Kim shares that they are moving and shaking and on the way back to Jersey.  0:45 -  Mistakes with Facebook Ads -  People often make them to wordy. It is one thing if you are writing a long forum post and are an amazing copywriter. But, most people are not great copywriters.  1:15 -  If you’re new to this and never wrote copy before. Kim suggests to repeat the Hook at least 4 times The Hook is the one big idea 1:50 -  Kim gives an example for their hook being - “How to get 10K Facebook fans in 72 hours” and increase ROI.  2:10 -  Kim mentions that their top performing and repeat that line 3 times.  2:40 -  Ki