Hometown Heroes Tulsa

Hometown Heroes Show Number 31 Week of January 26-February 2, 2007



All is well in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The predicted snow storm of last week hit us as just a rain/sleet mixture and the temperature remained above freezing...hurray! The music from our area, whether recorded last week or a few years ago, as expected remained nice and warm. With this information you are probably now wondering just what was the lowest temperature ever recorded in Tulsa. Lucky you, host Davit Souders will have the answer, tune in and hear the Double H Fun Fact that will set you free.If you haven't discovered our free subscription through iTunes, here you go http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=212224850 As we like to say each show, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. And as would seem appropriate, good music: Crooked X - Insomniac Philmore - Break It Out Bunnies Of Doom - War All The Time Mad Verb - Magic People Radio Wave Days - Satellite Kid The Zigs - Make Me Guess Alex Cartwright - Life Checkpoint Charlie - Anomie The Effects - Real World The Electric Primadonna