Hometown Heroes Tulsa

Hometown Heroes Show Number 79 Week of December 28, 2007-January 4, 2008



Technically this week's show begins in 2007 and ends in 2008. What a long podcast broadcast! Host Davit Souders and producer Dustin Parkhurst are excited to see what the new year will bring, for them a lot of it will be even more wonderful music from our city, Tulsa. And that's a good thing. Think of all the fun facts to come as well! Two per show every single week, holy smokes!! The little podcast that could will continue to have fun and thats a fact. Even in 2008 we'll keep on spreading the Tulsa charm, one beautiful song at a time. Happy New Year!   This Diabolicast Produced by Dustin Parkhurst for Diabolical Productions, LLC