Facebook Sales Strategies With Kim Walsh-phillips

FSS Episode 499: “What to do After First Contact"



 “What to do After First Contact" In this episode, Kim Walsh Phillips talks about following up and retargeting with those who may have shown interest by clicking thru or signing up, but they did not show up. This is a great episode to know what to do when your audience begins to follow the “Juicy Carrot.”  Key Takeaways! 0:20 -  Kim talks about first contact or that first lead. Kim talks more about the details of the “Juicy Carrot” and getting people to opt-in or signup for your webinar.  0:46 - Buyers are set up in 2 categories -  The Skimmers and the divers. Divers jump in the pool. The skimmers are one sure and the make up some 85% of those in the market.  1:30 - Kim talks about the 12-minute social media cash machine program. If you get more than  1% of people to click-thru now your ad that is good. And if you get more than 20% of people to opt-in that is great!  1:40 - Kim talks about getting 10% of those that land on your Thank You page, that is a profit maximizer.  2:39  -  Kim suggests retargeting the