Facebook Sales Strategies With Kim Walsh-phillips

FSS Episode 500: “Something I tried, Gosh it didn’t work!”



In this episode, Kim Walsh Phillips shares about a failed tactic with their ad design. Kim provides insight into sticking to strategies that work. And how this could help you in your mission to bring down your cost per lead on Facebook.  Learn more at 3daysto10k.com.    Key Takeaways! 0:20 -  Kim talks about how they are in aanever mission to get cost per lead down, because it hurts the ROI. Kim talks about about their weekly campaign at 3daysto10k.com.  0:50 -  Kim continues to talks about how they are constantly trying to find new ideas to run this campaign and get the cost per lead down.  1:00 - Kim talks about how they are InfusionSoft or Keap  people, and they like using this service to help run their campaigns. And they tried another CRM but she will not mention their name. However, Facebook has been banning this service and shutting down their Ad account.  2:00 - Kim talks about how they do not run any Black Hat ads and they are totally legit. But when that started back up, their cost per lead stunk.