Ten With Ken (audio)

Bold New Higher Ed Brands of 2015



Last week, Ken shared some classic cautionary tales of higher ed brand misfires, and we looked at some particularly cautious new brands from Canadian colleges and universities, perhaps in response. (Last week: https://youtu.be/m2LF3rGiMLc ) This week, we look at the flipside: provocative brands and campaigns that deliberately court controversy. Aggressive Competition: We start with some examples of pretty aggressive “poaching” campaigns for student recruitment in other institutions’ backyards: York University led the way with their “question every angle” campaign, and notably a subway station domination strategy at the doorstep of the University of Toronto. Memorial University of Newfoundland has bought up bus shelters along routes to major undergraduate university campuses across Canada, to promote their Grad Studies “on the edge.” The University of Saskatchewan has advertised on Calgary transit, dissing Edmonton as a study destination. And St Mary’s University has bought billboards across the street from Ca