Coroner Talk | Death Investigation Training | Police And Law Enforcement

Medicolegal Death Investigations - With Dr. Mary Dudley



The role of the medicolegal death investigator is to investigate any death that falls under the jurisdiction of the medical examiner or coroner, including all suspicious, violent, unexplained and unexpected deaths. A death investigation is a process whereby a coroner or forensic pathologist seeks to understand how and why a person died. A coroner or forensic pathologist must answer five questions when investigating a death: Who (identity of the deceased) When (date of death) Where (location of death) How (medical cause of death) By what means (natural causes, accident, homicide, suicide or undetermined) Information may be obtained from several sources including, but not limited to family, co-workers, neighbors, doctors, hospital records, police and other emergency service workers. Contact with family is vital as they often have important information that can aid the investigation. In This Episode - Medicolegal Death Investigations In this episode, I talk with Dr. Mary Dudley about the field of Medicolegal D