Bird Podcast

The global Odyssey of migratory birds with Scott Weidensaul



"By the time a bar-tailed godwits dies, it would have flown to the moon and most of the way back," says ornithologist and author Scott Weidensaul.  A bar-tailed godwit flies 18,000 miles a year. By the time it dies, it will have flown closer to 500,000 miles. In this episode, Scott talks about the magnificent migrations of birds-- the songs they sing while in flight and how they undergo binge-eating before they take off on their epic journeys. Comparing a migratory bird to an elite athlete insults the bird, he says. Arctic terns, for instance, sometimes travels a staggering 57,000 miles a year, he says. Scott celebrates the natural world—particularly birds and bird migration—in his research, his writing and his public speaking. Weidensaul spearheads a number of major research projects focusing on bird migration. His latest book is “The World on the Wing: the global Odyssey of migratory birds.” He has written more than 30 books on natural history, including Living on the Wind: Across the Hemisphere wit