Designprosuccessstories With Jeff Wortham

13. Doug Patt - Architect/ Author / Teacher/ Inventor ‘How to Architect’ – Using YouTube to Share His Love of Architecture



Doug Patt is an Architect and so much more. Although he is best known for his book, website and YouTube channel ‘How to Architect’, he is mostly a passionate designer of high-end residential architecture. Then there is his Architect’s Academy where he teaches online classes to students from all over the globe. With over  8,000,000 YouTube views and 64,000+ subscribers Doug has created a huge following while exposing what it is really like to be an Architect to the public and those considering a career in Architecture. Doug is also a product developer and inventor of the Architect’s Birdfeeder. He is a multi-faceted designer to say the least with an enthusiasm for design that is contagious.