Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

211 Mark Shapiro - Be & Be Seen For Who You Truly Are



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Putting yourself out there and showing the world your real self can be intimidating. As human beings, we crave acceptance from our peers and always want to be seen in the best light. And in a world of where superficiality and always 'looking cool' is the norm, it takes a brave person to share who they truly are with others.   And for Mark, it's not just a good idea; it's fundamental to our happiness and peace in the long run.   If you truly want to be appreciated and be at peace with yourself for who we truly are, and not for who others want or think us to be, you need to give others a chance at seeing the real you. And with a little practice, being the real you at all times can become the new status quo.   In Episode 211, Mark records a solo episode where he presents a compelling case for why we should remove our masks and let others see more of who we truly are, when it’s a good time to be vulnerable, and why social media doesn’t always (if rarely) reflect what’s actually