Work Life Play With Aaron Mchugh

Closing the Gap- Launch Day #172



Today. Closing the gap between where I was and where I am. Choices. Tradeoffs. Grace. Reboot. Start. Rest. Pray. Reflect. Celebrate. My book goes live today into the world. A decade ago, I sat on my back patio and wrote the first draft of this liberating idea for Firing My Boss. My life changed that day. Not all at once, but it sparked the beginning of a journey. I remember deciding to make that manifesto available in a print self-published version. A friend asked, "why self-publish?" Me, "I don't want to wait to be picked". I had something inside of me that I had to get out and I didn't want the world of publishing to be the "committee" for deciding if my words lived. Available wherever books are sold including in Barnes and Noble stores (In stock in select stores).