Messy Imperfect Life With Leigh Koechner

#11 - Becky Hosmer



I met Becky Hosmer on a flight to Aspen. I thought I was whispering while talking to a friend, but apparently I was talking loud because this cute serious blonde girl turned around and shot me a look.  I knew we would be friends by the end of the flight (whether she liked it our not). And here she is on my podcast today. Becky is the founder and designer behind the Anna Beck jewelry line. The name comes from her given name, Becky Anne. Becky finds inspiration through her love of travel and says that each piece she designs is a labor of love that starts with an experience or a feeling. Her jewelry is handmade in Bali using a centuries-old Balinese technique. She is an amazing woman changing the world one charity at a time. Check out her labor of love at