1mflourish's Podcast

Ashton Applewhite - Ageism Hurts All Humanity, Society, You, and Your Children



Ageism is a form of discrimination and prejudice against older people. It's everywhere, from the workplace to healthcare to entertainment to education. You may not even realize you're being affected by it because it's so ingrained in our culture, but that doesn't mean we should ignore its existence.It hurts the economy; it's unfair to you and your children. Ageism is killing humanity one person at a time.END AGEISM! This can be done by raising awareness about ageism and educating people about how they can prevent it from happening in their own lives and society at large. We need more positive images of older adults that show them as active participants in society instead of just older people who sit around all day doing nothing but waiting for death to take them away. If everyone did their part, maybe someday, your children could live in a world where no one has to suffer through this kind of discrimination ever again. We must all stand up and say, "I will not let my children be