Emerald City Video

A Conversation With 'Stan Against Evil' Creator Dana Gould



Not content to publish just one horror-themed episode on Halloween (check that one out here), Russ edited down an interview he recently did with Stan Against Evil creator Dana Gould to present to fans as a gift on this spookiest of holidays. The show is an underrated gem -- a bizarre and brilliant half-hour horror comedy that airs at 10 p.m. on Wednesdays on IFC. And so...the first two episodes are going out tonight and we are here for it. You can find us (and a number of other awesome podcasts) on the ACPN family of shows. If you like what we're doing here, you can become a patron of the Emerald City Video Podcast, which comes with fun perks. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We also have Instagram and Vero accounts where we share images, photos, memes, and nonsense. Be back for more by noon on the fifth day, and please -- always remember to rewind your videocassettes.