

  Short Summary Hi! My name is DorothyAnne. I’m a Filipina singer/songwriter based in the Dallas, Texas area. I’m married with 4 children and 1 on the way. I grew up singing in church, listening to the radio and watching music videos. For as long as I can remember I have aspired to become a professional recording artist.  Over the years I’ve discovered that one of my greatest passions in life is writing songs. When I’m feeling inspired, there's nothing quite like the feeling of putting my heart on paper.  2015: A Year to Finish What I’ve Started This CD project is very important to me because early this year I felt very impressed to finish what I’d started. As a mom and minister, many things come before pursuing a life-long dream. Dreams get put on the back burner. While that’s ok, there comes a time when dreams just take extra hard work to accomplish. I’m Invested Last year I professionally recorded one of my original songs entitled “Don’t Let Me Go” and released it in the fall. I invested over $1,500 into