Life Lessons With Dustin & Dorothy Anne Dauenhauer: Ministry | Marketing | Mentoring Families

And For All You Single Folks Out There...



This is not about “how to prepare for marriage” or “how to meet your spouse”.  This is to encourage single people to be single well, and to offer advice to married people on how to love and serve your single friends.What or Where is your focus?    Our hope should be in Jesus – not in another person or in a certain outcome    Be careful that marriage/parenthood isn’t your sole focus.     Focus on becoming more like Christ. No matter what happens, it’s a win-win. Whether you’re single or married, we all need to become more like Him.    Watch your thoughts! There’s a fine line between dreaming and fantasy. Fantasy can be dangerous.What are your concepts about life and yourself?    Marriage isn’t a reward for good works. If you’re single, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you did something wrong. Of course, you may not be ready for marriage. The answer is still to become more like Him and He’ll reveal those areas to you.          [Tweet " Remember that your life doesn’t begin the day your say “I do”."]What are you